Friday, August 3, 2012

A View From The Other Side: Robot Comments On Chik fil A and the Right

Robot has made a comprehensive comment which seems to be representative of the Anti-Chik fil A company position. I am making it a full post of its own because it is a thoughtful article presenting a viewpoint with only a few vindictive epithets.

Robot, thank you. Here is the full text:

I never cease to be impressed at just how mean and spiteful the American populist right wing is. They always, always top themselves.

Progressives and liberals witness year after year of crushing inequality and unjust gains in the financial sector and only after decades of this do they begin protesting; Mike Huckabee says something on Facebook and every mouth-breather in the country goes and stuffs their face full of chicken. For real, it's kind of amazing.

I want to be angry, but honestly this is just one of the saddest things I've ever seen. People waiting an hour in a drive through to buy a greasy chicken sandwich, just to prove that they're every bit as hateful as the next guy. I don't even know what to say anymore.

Let's be clear: People are not concerned with CFA's beliefs or statements, so much as they are concerned about their actions. For example, spending $25,000 to lobby Congress not to condemn Uganda's legislation mandating the death penalty for homosexuality.

They are spending money in favour of genocide against homosexuals. That's not hyperbole, that is literally what is going on here.

Chick-Fil-A has a problem right now not just because they don't believe in gay marriage. They have a problem right now because the fund hate groups, make fake facebook profiles, attempt to besmirch Jim Henson company by lying about the safety of their toys. I'm not anti-Christian. I'm just anti-bigotry. I would argue that denying rights is hateful, no matter how you look at it.

And the mayor didn't tell them they couldn't open up a restaurant. He merely mentioned that their primitive, knuckle-dragging views won't win them any friends in his progressive city.

He isn't stopping them from opening a restaurant in Boston. He is encouraging them not to, and letting them know they're not going to be well received.
he said "I URGE you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston." Mr. Menino was not attempting to block their opening, he was simply stating his opinion, that he does not believe Chik-Fil-A belongs in Boston, which is his right, which is the right of anybody, elected official or not.

I don't believe the city has any obligation to issue a business license. Like a contact, they are allowed to set whatever restrictions they choose. The Right bought laws to give city zoning commissions these powers (to stop strip clubs, etc).

So what it all comes down to is not just their beliefs but the fact they are working to disenfranchise the LGBT community.


The National Christian Foundation: "supports Harvest Evangelism" which promotes the Ugandan bill "criminalizing homosexuality and allowing for some cases of homosexuality to be punished by death."

FRC: Claims on their own website that "Homosexuality is Not a Civil Right", you can even buy pamphlets to spread this opinion.

The Family Foundation: Initiatives page state they oppose "homosexual behaviour as a protected class ... as no evidence of discrimination exists." Apparently ignoring cases like those involving Brooke Waits, scholarly articles, and governmental research into resolution and protection procedures.

One side is making a call for action against bigotry, the other is a call to action for bigotry.

Robot, your viewpoint is clear and I appreciate it. You might give links to support your asserted views of abuse, but still it seems to be a comprehensive article.

What strikes me first is the completely opaque wall of understanding between the two sides. I will try to take some time to address each point you have made with the view of the opposite side, the underlying intent as viewed from the other side, and the difference between the two. I will probably put that into a subsequent post. It will take some time for me to look into your assertions.


Steven Satak said...

I am looking forward to the list of differences. CFA has gotten nothing but support from the majority of sources I have seen. You can chalk that up to ignorance, bigotry, or whatever you want - even *gasp* the possibility that CFA is just a company whose head happens to be conservative.

Any of these choices leaves us with the inescapable conclusion that CFA couldn't buy this kind of advertising at any price.

can't think of a name said...

I swear this whole thing was ginned up to keep the news cycle filled with divisive culture-war bullsh-t instead of the misdeeds of the finance sector. America has lost its stupid mind.

still can't think of a name said...

I fully support Cathy's right to say whatever he wants (and, in fact, so does the ACLU). But just because someone can say something doesn't mean they should -- or that we should celebrate him or her for doing so, especially when what they're saying is, at its core, promoting a culture of hate against a group of people.

I'd be just as sickened if there were lines around the block at Burger King if its CEO gave an interview where he or she stated, "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage... black and white people should not be allowed to get married,'" and had also donated millions of dollars to white supremacist organizations. He can think that but I ain't giving him any more money.

I, too, am in love with the First Amendment, and I want everyone to have the right to say whatever they want -- even if it's totally bonkers. But do I have to sit around and take it? Nope. I can call a bigot a bigot, that's my right too. And I sure as hell don't have to give those people my money to use against minorities. My empathy won't allow it.

Anonymous said...

I think you could use this news story:

American said...

Freedom of Speech VS Rape/Death Threats

Stan said...

Those guys sound like Black Liberation theology victims. The kind of Rev. Wright "God Damn America" crap that Obama didn't listen to for 20 years in the front row...

The verses he quotes, Isaiah 13:14-16 refer specifically to a prophetic vision referring to the future fate of Babylon at the hands of the Medes who are to be used by God to wipe out Babylon because of the genocide and other atrocities practiced by the Babylonians. The Medes were pitiless barbarians and without compassion.

But by claiming the right to rape and pillage, the boys are claiming the identity of the barbarians and the call of God for themselves to visit destruction on the Great American Babylon. Essentially they want to be the new Medes. There exists no corresponding prophesy for America because prophets ceased to exist well before the appearance of Christ. Black Liberation Theology, however, pretends otherwise in their calls for and predictions of the destruction of America for its sins.

These boys seem to be the victims of non-christian theology of revenge and destruction.