Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Continuing Leftist Drumbeat Against Tolerance

There are some common intellectual traits for Leftists:

1. They seem to get all their information from other Leftists.

2. They virtually never check the validity of that information for themselves.

3. If a Leftist site charges "evil" against someone, then that is “truth” and is to be used in any argument as a “true” statement (regardless of their position that there is no truth and certainly no absolute morality, of course).

These traits are markers of ideological infection.

An example is the charge that by donating to Exodus International, Chik fil A caused or contributed to the persecution of homosexuals by the Ugandan government.

This is not just false; it is a pernicious, defamatory lie.

Here is the Exodus International position on the Ugandan law:

Here is the Exodus International position on the criminalization and treatment of homosexuals:

If there is persecution in play here, it is not against homosexuals; it is against Exodus International and Chik fil A.


Martin said...

See, I would say that the first three points are no less true of the Right.

And this is why I hate American politics. It's divisive, and has the effect of killing reason because each side has to support their side against the Other, whether right or wrong. Reason is hindmost, if present at all.

yonose said...

I agree with Martin up to some extent.

I dare say it is not only in the US. Politics when misapplied will always have such nature that incentivates separatism among brethren.

Kind Regards.

Stan said...

The intellectual irresponsibility of the Left is demonstrable, as is demonstrated here and daily. The Right is saddled with trying to stop the onslaught of perpetual falseness from the Left. That's how I see it. The Right also fails, yet it is the Left which perpetually drives toward fiscal and social outrages, and uses lies to promote them.

It seems to be true that most politicians are prostituted to the groups with the most cash. That is beside the point, which is to stop the downward spiral of the country, culturally and fiscally. The Left is against stopping that, despite what they say.

I was once a hardened Lefist. I voted for McGovern and went to Leftist rallies, until I realized how transparently they lie and how uncompromisingly intolerant they were/are, and how much they despise the general populace, who they want to control, first by destroying the culture and financial infrastructure, second by rebuilding a Brave New World. They are philosophical totalitarians who are barely restrained by the remnants of the Constitution and the remaining outrage of the general populace they deplore (flyovers, they arrogantly call us these days). They use the claim of "empathy" to entrap entire minorities into financial slavery and cultural depravity. The AtheoLeft, after all, inhabits the party of slavery and pointed white hats and burning cross terrorism of yesteryear, the party which largely voted against the Civil Rights Act yet takes credit for it, and the party which now is engaged in ramping up anti-semitism as well as anti-Christianity. All in the name of Tolerance, of course.

This comment will undoubtedly be met with charges of Hate Speech and bigotry, charges made by those with no actual moral basis for anything, much less for making such charges. If there are no morals, then there are no moral offenses, and thus moral outrage is just silly self-indulgence.

And that, the moral void of the AtheoLeft, is the problem.

LiberalViewerFan said...

The channel
on Youtube has over a hundred example of bias from Fox news that promotes the conservative agenda by distorting facts and/or literally lying.

This is no indication that the liberals don't do the same; recently, LiberalViewer exposed a bias from MSNBC.

However, this is proof that comments against what Stan calls the AtheoLeft are complete lies, based only on emotions that he must be right, and others must be wrong. No logic used; no fact presented, just emotions.

The video posted here that supposedly will render the Left "sick" is such a good example of this emotion base driven mentality. The video shows lines of cars and people going to a fast food chain. OH. MY. GOD. Really? Thanks for the shocking news! I can't believe people support them... seriously, freaking statistics alone are enough to know that, yes, there are people who support one side, and people who support the other.

Should we post videos of marriage equality demonstration? There are less cars involved usually, and less fat-white-redneck people, so perhaps that's too much for this blog?