Saturday, November 10, 2012

Comments Are Closed

I see that, during my absence, the banned emotionally immatures, the intellectually half-baked, and the maleducated anti-rationals have come out like roaches in the dark. So comments are closed. There is no point in engaging such trivial thinking, and that is one of the major problems from which this blog needs to recover. Some of it resembles mere blog comment vandalism, another reason to close comments.

I still have not decided what to do with the blog, other than to leave it up for reference purposes. So for now that is its short term destiny, as I continue to ponder its fate.

However, I will intermittently take emails, starting now. I would appreciate your (constructive) ideas on how to raise the level of intellectual discourse on this blog without a permanent ban on comments. Obnoxious emailers will be deleted and filtered.

Thanks for reading the blog,


Eddie said...

Thanks for ll the work you've done in putting this blog together, I have made good use of it in discussing this issue with others. Perhaps you could have a membership type of ability in people leaving comments/discussing these matters. I agree there is much emotionalism in discussing these things and I discontinue dialogue if it becomes nasty. No point to continue at that point. Thanks for your efforts here.

FrankNorman said...

Stan, one of the main points you had to make with this blog is that the modern-day "Atheist" movement consists largely of (to quote your words) "emotionally immatures, the intellectually half-baked, and the maleducated anti-rationals".
The type of responses you are seeing there, essentially vindicate this position.

They have no interest in rationally engaging with you, because that might mean they'd have to change their way of thinking.
Or basically, they'd have to start thinking.